Isotriphora peetersae (Moolenbeek & Faber, 1989)

Original description.

Shell sinistral, small, narrowly cyrtoconoid, length 3.3 mm, width 1.4 mm (not figured). Protoconch of lecithotrophic larval type, 3XA whorls, largest diameter407 u,m. Top of first whorl sculptured with axial riblets (fig. 4), sides of first 2 'A whorls encircled by two similar, strongly angulating median spiral threads, and crossed by flexuous, crisp axial riblets, rather knobby just below suture. On last whorl the adapical spiral cord abruptly ends. Colour uniformly white. Teleoconch whorls slightly convex, reticulately sculptured with prominent welldefined spiral cords and axial costae, intersections nodular, suture shallow, 5J4 whorls. Spiral cords numbering six on body whorl, of which two on base. First postnuclear whorls with two spiral rows (cord one and three) with strong nodules. On the fourth and fifth postnuclear whorls a spiral thread becomes visible between cord one and three. This thread gradually grows stronger and develops small knobs. On the body whorl this thread becomes cord two. Spiral five (on base) weakly nodularand spiral six nearly smooth. First two postnuclear whorls white like protoconch, the third whorl gradually grows to darkbrown. Allotherwhorls dark brown. Outer lip less deep brown than body whorl. Aperture ovate/subquadrate, outer lip produced and flared basally, inner extremity deeply infolded to overhang base of inner lip. Posterior siphonal notch U-shaped. Anterior siphonal canal oblique, subtubular, rather short.