Trituba barbadensis (Coomans & Faber, 1984)

Original description.

Shell small, slender, yellowish-white with some slightly darker spots. More than 10 whorls, which very slowly increase in size. Protoconch of about 2 1/2 whorls, sculptured with rather sharp axial ribs, which extend from suture to suture. Teleoconch-whorls nearly straight-sided, a little bent to the left. Sutures shallow. The sculpture consists of axially elongated nodules on the lower half of each whorl, and a suprasutural spiral ridge. This ridge is absent on the protoconch. On the first postnuclear whorls the nodules are rather spiny where they are crossed by the spiral ridge. On the remaining whorls the sculpture becomes altogether more obsolete, with the nodules less protruding, and the upper half of each whorl nearly flat. The space between the nodules is about twice as broad as a nodule itself. The microsculpture consists of opisthocline growthlines. The base is flat and surrounded by a nodulous spiral ridge. The anterior and posterior siphonal canal are both tubular and turn away from the aperture. The aperture is squarish. The opening of the anterior siphonal canal is well visible inside the aperture.