Viriola tricincta (Dunker, 1882)

Original description.

T. testa turrita, unicolore fusca, anfractibus planis 14 (usque ad 16?) costulis duabus crassioribus et una tenuiore intermedia cinctis, interstitiis clathratis; basi planata; peristomate subquadrato; rostro brevi. – Alt. 9, lat. 2½ mill. Diese Art ist durch ihre Skulptur ausgezeichnet. Die Windungen sind von zwei stumpfen glatten Kielen oder Rippchen umgeben, in dem Zwischenraum aber befinden sich zarte erhabene Längsstrichelchen, die von einer feinen Querlinie durchschnitten werden, wodurch eine gegitterte Oberfläche entsteht. Die Naht ist deutlich.

Translation of original description.

Slender shell, of brown uniform colour. Fourteen flat whorls (to 16?) with two large cords and a fine further cord in the middle, space between cords with a cancellate sculpture. Flat base [but it refers to a subadult specimen, illustrated in 1861], subquadrate peristome [again may be due to the description of a subadult specimen], short siphonal canal. Height 9, width 2.5 mm. This species is characterized by its sculpture. The whorls bear two blunt smooth cords, between them there are longitudinal riblets, which are intersected by a fine thread, creating a cancellate sculpture. A clear suture is visible.