Coriophora fusca (Dunker, 1860)

Original description.

T. testa solidula, fusca, gracili, in medio paullulum ventrosa; anfractibus 12 – 14 sutura distincta divisis, triseriatim granosis; serie intermedia angustiore obsoleta; granulis confertis ex parte confluentibus. – Alt. 10 – 11, lat. 2 mill. Alle vorliegenden Exemplare sind einfarbig dunkelbraun und in ihrer Skulptur ganz übereinstimmend.

Translation of original description.

Solid, dark, slender shell, in the middle slightly inflated; 12-14 whorls divided by a deep suture with three rows of tubercles; the second row less developed; the granules are close on the side of the confluence [it may refer to the fact that the second row of tubercles is closer to the first row]. All specimens are monochrome dark brown of colour and the sculpture is of the same colour tone.