Triphora panamensis (Bartsch, 1907)

Original description.

Shell sinistral, elongate conic, of dark-brown color. Nuclear whorls tliree, forming a cylindrical, smooth apex. The five succeeding turns are marked by a double spiral row of tubercles, which are separated by a channel considerably wider than the channeled sutures. Beginning with the eighth turn a tuberculate cord makes its appearance in the space between the two tubercular ridges, a Httle nearer to the one at the summit than the supraperipheral one. This cord, at first faintly developed, increases steadily in size, until on the last volution it almost equals the other two in strength. The tubercles occur in regular axial series and are connected spirally and axially by slender riblets, the riblets inclosing small squarish m.eshes. There are about fourteen tubercles on the fourth (the first sculptured) whorl and twenty-four on the tenth and the penultimate turn. On the last ten whorls the tubercles at the summit of the whorls are considerably stronger than the other two and darker colored. The sutures on the later whorls are deeply channeled; the channels are crossed by a slender riblet at each tubercle. Periphery of the last whorl marked by a strong keel which is weakly tuberculate. Base marked by two spiral keels a little weaker than the peripheral one. These two are ornamented by feebly developed tubercles, the deep channels between them being crossed by the continuations of the slender axial riblets. Aperture of irregular outline; posterior angle well rounded, strongly channeled anteriorly; outer lip sinuous to correspond with the external sculpture; columella very strong, twisted.