Triphora excolpus (Bartsch, 1907)

Original description.

Shell sinistral, with alternating brown and white zones. (Nuclear whorls decollated.) The first three of the succeeding turns are marked by a double spiral row of tubercles. On the first two turns the posterior row is less strongly developed than the anterior and is brown in color, while the channel that separates it from the anterior and the anterior row are yellowish white. From the third whorl on the posterior row of tubercles becomes more strongly developed than the other. Beginning with the fourth turn, a slender tubercular keel appears in the space between the two tubercular ridges, which on the sixth turn is as strong as the anterior cord. Thus the shell is marked by a brown tubercular ridge at the summit and two white tubercular ridges anterior to it after the fourth turn. The tubercles are joined by a broad spiral cord and axial riblets. The connections inclose quite deep oblong pits. There are eighteen tubercles upon the first whorl, twenty-two upon the fifth, and twenty-four upon the penultimate turn. Sutures channelled. Periphery of the last whorl strongly angulated, marked by a low subacute keel. The channel between the peripheral keel and the supraperipheral row of tubercles is crossed by weak extensions of the axial riblets. Base short, hght brown, having a single slender, spiral thread, about as far anterior to the periphery as the suprasutural tuberculated ridge is posterior to it. There are also very slender extensions of the axial riblets, which pass from the periphery to the insertion of the columella. In addition to the above sculpture, the base is marked by many exceedingly fine spiral striations and lines of growth. Aperture subquadrate; posterior angle obtuse, strongly channelled anteriorly, outer lip rendered sinuous by the external sculpture. Columella short, thick, and somewhat curved, covered by a faint callus which also extends over the parietal wall.