Triphora catalinensis (Bartsch, 1907)

Orginal combination.

Shell sinistral, elongate-conic, rather stout, with the posterior half of the exposed portion of the whorls white and the anterior half light bro\\ai. (Part of the nuclear whorls decollated.) The three and one-half remaining turns of the nucleus increase regularly in size and are marked by about twenty-six slender axial riblets on the first and thirty-two on the next and the third whorl. In addition to these riblets the nuclear whorls are encircled by two prominent sublamellar slender, finely tuberculate spiral keels, which are placed about equidistant from the sutures and are a little nearer to each other than to the sutures. The anterior one of these keels is much more stronglydeveloped on the last nuclear turn than the posterior member. The intersection of the spiral keels and axial riblets are tuberculate. The whorls have a strong sloping shoulder which extends from the posterior keel to the summit. Post-nuclear w^iorls separated by strongly marked sutures, ornamented by two spiral rows of nodules, of wliich the posterior one is the stronger. These tw^o rows of nodules are separated on the first seven post-nuclear whorls by a spiral channel almost as wide as the suture. From the seventh post-nuclear whorl on, a slender, spiral, weakly tuberculate cord makes its appearance in the channel, growing stronger with each succeeding turn. This cord is situ- ated a little nearer the posterior row of tubercles than the anterior, and like the posterior row of tubercles is white. The tubercles are con- nected by blunt, ill-deiuied, axial riblets. There are about twenty tubercles on the first and fifth post-nuclear whorls and twenty-four upon the penultimate turn. In addition to the strong sculpture just defined, the entire surface, tubercles and depressions, are crossed by many fine lines of growth and spiral striations. Periphery of the last whorl marked by a slender, weakly tuberculate keel. Base exceedingly short, almost flat, crossed by strong lines of growth and fuie spiral striations, marked by a brown band at the insertion of the columella. Aperture subquadrate, outer lip sinuous, conforming wdth the exter- nal sculpture, basal wall slightly concave ; columella very stout, short, and strongly twisted. Basal channel well developed.