Triphora pedroana (Bartsch, 1907)

Original description.

Shell sinistral, elongate-conic, light brown. Nuclear whorls four, increasing regularly in size. The first three smooth, probably by erosion, the next faintly, obsoletely sculptured by about thirty-six slender, equally strong and equally spaced, axial riblets and two slen- der spiral threads, separated by a narrow chamiel near the periphery of the whorl. Succeeding turns separated by broad and deep channeled sutures; the first seven ornamented by two equally strong spiral rows of tubercles, which are separated by a chamiel, as wide as that at the sutures. Beginning with the eighth turn, a slender tuberculate keel makes its appearance in this chamiel, situated a little nearer the posterior keel than the suprasutural one. This keel increases steadily in size and on the penultimate turn exceeds the supraperipheral one in strength. On the last three turns the tubercles of the posterior keel are a little more strongly developed than on the other keels. On all the keels the tubercles slope a little more abruptly at their posterior border, the anterior edge being gently rounded. There are fifteen tubercles upon the first, seventeen upon the fifth, and twenty-four upon the penultimate postnuclear turn. The tubercles are connected spirally by a moderately wide band and axially by slender riblets, the spaces inclosed between these connections appearing as rounded pits. The entire surface of the spire is crossed by numerous microscopic spiral lines and lines of growth. Periphery of the last whorl ornamented by a tubercular keel, which is not quite as strong as the supraperipheral keel. Base dark brown, moderately long, marked by two strong spiral keels, the anterior one of which is situated partly upon the columella, while the other one occupies a plane half way between the anterior and the peripheral keel. The spaces which separate these keels are about equal in width and are crossed by slender continuations of the axial riblets. Columella stout and twisted, marked by slender spiral lirations. Aperture pyriform, strongly channeled anteriorly and posteriorly; outer lip patulous, marked within by a light brown band posteriorly and a narrow darkbrown zone at the base; columella and parietal wall covered with a thick callus.