Triphora montereyensis (Bartsch, 1907)

Original description.

Shell rather stout, brown, with a wax-yellow band about onethird the width of the height ot the whorls encirchng the middle of the turns. (Nucleus decollated in all the specimens examined), postnuclear whorls separated by strongly channeled sutures, ornamented on the early turns by a double spiraH row of tubercles and on the last three by a triple row, the median one of which is very slender on all but the last turn and is situated a little nearer the posterior row than the suprasutural one. There are twenty tubercles upon the second and twenty-six upon the penultimate turn. These tubercles are joined by moderately strong spiral bands and axial riblets which inclose strongly impressed rounded pits between them. The periphery is marked by a keel almost as strong as the supraperipheral one, while the base, which is uniformly dark brown, bears two prominent keels, the anterior one of which is well upon the short, stout columella. The channels between these keels are crossed by the feeble extensions of the axial riblets. Aperture strongly channeled anteriorly and posteriorly; columella and parietal wall covered with a strong callus.