Triphora pusilla (Pfeiffer, 1840)

Original description.

Testa sinistrorsa turrita tenui cinnamomea; anfract. 11 planis, sulcis longitudinalibus et transversis granuloso-decussatis; sutura profunda; canali brevissimo, vix recurvo; labro simplice, expanso. Long. 2½, diam. ¾ lin.

Translation of original description.

A light brown sinistral shell composed of 11 flat whorls with tubercled spiral ribs. Deep suture. Siphonal canal very short, barely bent. Lip simple, expanded. Length 2.5 linien (“lines”), diameter 0.75 linie (L. Pfeiffer probably used the “Preussische Mass” widely used after 1816 until introduction of the metric system; a linie is equivalent to 2.179 mm).